Attention Construction Workers: Navigating Silica Dust Safety Without Sacrificing Comfort with a mask fit test.

Hey Team,

We’re all aware of the new silica rules on our sites. Yes, it means more emphasis on dust control and safety, but let’s talk about how we can tackle this smartly. A key part of this is ensuring a proper mask fit test, particularly for those who prefer their stubble or beards, so we can avoid the discomfort of wearing masks all day.

Why Masks Aren’t Always the Best Answer:

  • Comfort Matters: Masks are hot, uncomfortable, and they demand a clean shave for effectiveness. That’s not always practical or preferred.

  • Last Resort, Not First Choice: Masks should be the last line of defense in dust control backed by a thorough mask fit test, not the go-to solution.

Smarter Ways to Handle Silica Dust:

  • Exclusion Zones: Isolating areas where silica dust is generated keeps it contained.

  • Engineered Controls: Using tools equipped with water suppression and on-tool extraction that’s connected to HEPA vacuums significantly cuts down the dust.

  • Regular Check-ups: Ensuring these controls and mask fit tests are functioning properly is key. They’re only effective if they’re working right.

Taking Charge of the Situation:

  • Be Proactive: Before strapping on a mask, check with the site managers. Are all dust control measures up and running effectively?

  • Test and Demonstrate: If we can prove that our controls are effective, we can avoid the mask for many tasks.

Remember, our safety is paramount, but it doesn’t have to come at the cost of our comfort. By incorporating a thorough mask fit test, working together, and staying vigilant about our dust control measures, we can keep the air clean and our faces comfortable. Let’s show that safety and practicality can go hand in hand on our sites

Stay safe and comfortable out there!